1. Your voice doesn't sound sickly. Your voice sounds like chocolate buttery sex for my ear holes.
2. Now that that's out of the way. I'd honestly love to talk to you about terrorism /anti-terrorism methods and possibly advise on a few inaccuracies (praise in public, correct in private). You certainly seem well versed in the matter, but some extra information couldn't hurt, right?
3. I'm not super keen on Newgrounds being a potentially political platform. I'm not saying that you're taking sides or anything, but every flood starts with some rain drops. I'd suggest to tread carefully.
4. A large portion of this is "animation" is ripped from live footage. Again, Newgrounds is a platform for everybody, and I'm not trying to play gatekeeper or anything, I'm just asking to please respect the intent of the website. I'm not trying to take away from your creation, because it is very well made, but please respect the host of your medium.
5. I probably should have put this first, but God damn, this was very well made. I'm absolutely following this channel to see where it goes.